Commit to choreographing something new this January

The January Challenge is the foundation of all that is NACHMO. It is our annual challenge to inspire dancers, choreographers, and movement enthusiasts to choreograph by providing a month-long deadline to complete their work and connect it to a community of peers. 

For one month each year, we put aside our excuses, our hesitations, and perhaps our day jobs to work intensely on making dance. Through the online community of fellow NACHMO participants, social media, the blog, and live events, we provide opportunities for individual artists to network and collaborate. 

Remember, there are so many ways to participate in the January Challenge. From creating movement in your bedroom inspired by our prompts to performing in your local NACHMO hub's shows, how you participate is up to you! But registering here is your first step. This registration is your commitment to creating new dance works in January 2025!

After you register, we will (1) connect you with your local hub and (2) share all of the exciting events and programs that we have throughout the January Challenge.

Are you ready for your choreographic kick in the pants?